The Muller Firm Pledge

The Muller Firm Pledge

We will always represent the client

to the best of our ability

in a zealous, ethical and cost effective way.


We will have the answer

to a client's question, or obtain its answer

within five business days.


We will always conduct ourselves with dignity,

remembering that our two most important accomplishments

are a client's self respect

and the best interests of their children.


We will always seek an amicable settlement first.

- on terms most favorable to our client -

and only pursue litigation when common sense has failed.


We will always be prepared for trial

utilizing creativity, diligence and goal-oriented aggression;

neither influenced nor intimidated by the opposition or the judge.


We will never forget:
that our reputation is derived from the client's trust,

and our growth is founded on the client's satisfaction.

Kurt A. Muller, Esq.

May 12, 1996

Contact The Muller Firm today for comprehensive legal assistance from our team of experienced child support lawyers.